Sunday, October 9, 2016

Back to School 2016

I welcome the brisk fall weather, salted caramel hot chocolate, warm sweaters, boots, football, and the first year with all children attending school, for a few hours at least!
This marks some great milestones with Knox entering Kindergarten and Aidy beginning pre-school at Sonshine Preschool.
Griffen was the first to start this year on a Thursday and then the littles had their first day the following Monday.
The year has started out well for Griff and he currently has As in all of his classes, which he is very proud of! Park Place Middle School is partially torn down as they begin the multi-year remodel. He is adapting to classes in portables and literature in the weight room.
Knox is doing well in Kindergarten. This was an easy transition for him after completing 2 years of preschool at Sonshine. He enjoys reading and is catching on very quickly while learning his site words.
Trig is now with Miss Shannon, Miss Lindsay and Miss Carol in the 3/4 class while Aidy is with Miss Ellie in the 2/3 class. Both are doing well and are eager to run into their classroom each day. They attend twice per week for 2 1/2 hours and this is a fantastic break for Mommy and Daddy! We love all of our children but getting a little down time helps us to refill our bucket o' patience.

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