Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Trig is 8 months

I am now 8 months old! I can "army" crawl and I've just started to pull myself to a standing position. I love food and I'm trying all sorts of new things. Salmon, sweet potatoes, and apple sauce are some of my favorites. I'm still smiling all the time and very seldom fussy. I have 1 tooth that is trying to come through but it hasn't made it yet. I have slept through the night a few times and sometimes I still wake up 1 time but mom thinks that is much better that 3 or more times. I now weigh 14 lbs. 6 oz. and I am 26 in. tall!


Griffen had 2 baby teeth pulled to "borrow" space so some adult teeth can come in. Hopefully this will help to straighten things out and then we will consult again about braces in a few months.