Monday, March 18, 2013

Trig is 5 months

Trig is now rolling over from his back to tummy and then returning to his back. He is starting to attempt to sit by himself but doesn't quite have the balance down and usually falls to one side or the other. He is extremely happy and smiles all the time.
He usually wakes up twice at night to nurse and sleeps until about 8am. He loves to be held which can make it difficult to be productive sometimes but I wouldn't change it for anything. I love to snuggle him and will take all the time I can get!
He is 24.5 inches tall and 13lbs. 3oz.

A Change for Spring

For the past 5 years spring has meant that it's time for another baseball season. This spring called for a change. Griffen is now a lacrosse player!
He made his decision this past fall that he wanted to give lacrosse a shot. We all supported him in trying a new sport but after forking out quite a bit of money for all of the equipment he needed we made it a requirement that he commit for at least 2 season.
It seems that this won't be a problem because Griffen loves lacrosse. To quote Griffen "I don't ever want to play baseball again, lacrosse is way cooler!".
This first year Griff is playing for Snohomish LAX and he loves play for Coach Chad.
I have to admit that I definitely prefer watching lacrosse over baseball. It is non-stop action!
Griff received a sticker for his helmet at his first game against Edmonds. He received it because he "tried his hardest".

score against Bellingham

chat with Coach Chad

At the end of the game the team tackles the goalie!

Out of the mouths of babes.....

Knox is quite the jabber jaw and goes one hundred miles a minute. We refer to him as being "spirited". He never ceases to amaze us so I thought I would share some of his recent antics.

Although he has been potty trained since about 22 months he has now decided that he would like to stand while he pees. Knox is easily distracted so I have spent way too much time cleaning walls, floors, and shower curtains near the toilet.

Most used words or sentences: You bad, big truck (with the deepest voice he can make), potty too, nasty, yogyuk (yogurt), and d@#m it along with sh*t (he loves watching Goonies).

We've had to put 2 additional locks on the front door after finding him by the street in his undies with Turk by his side.

The list is never ending!