Sunday, December 19, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes.....

"Here mom" Griffen hands me a piece of string cheese. "You need to eat this so that you can make more milk for the baby". :)

Thanksgiving 2010

This year Matt and I packed up the car including the dog and headed to Tri-cities to spend the holiday with family. The drive took 7 hours between stops with the baby and the accident at the pass that held us up for additional time. We were able to spend 5 days in Richland with Jim and Sharon. Matt picked up a few shifts of overtime while we were there so that he could stay home just a few days longer. Thanksgiving was great and as always we all ate plenty! I made my sausage dressing and creamy-cheesy mashed potatoes. It was great to have leftovers almost every day that we were there!
Griffen spent Thanksgiving with his dad this year which was a bummer because there was plenty of snow and a great sledding hill on the golf course. Hopefully it will snow when we head back for Christmas!

A Blessing

On Sunday November 7th Matt blessed his first child, Knox Anton. It was beautiful to witness my husband performing this ordinance. Jim, Ryan, and Jeremy all stood up with Matt for the blessing which made it very special.
All of the family came to visit for the weekend of the blessing and we enjoyed spending time together. Griffen especially loved playing with all of his cousins.
While I was still pregnant I decided to make Knox his blessing outfit and it turned out great. He looked like a little angel all dressed in white. He is such a precious new spirit and we are blessed that Heavenly Father brought him to us.

Knox arrives.....

Although Knox was not due to arrive until October 24th I woke up on October 11th to find that my water was leaking. After dropping Griffen off at school I headed in to the hospital to be checked in triage to determine if I needed to be admitted. Sure enough it was my water leaking and they made me stay. I called Matt right away so that he could start heading home from Richland. Shortly after being admitted Serena, our doula, arrived. Matt arrived at about 4:30 in the afternoon. The laboring was slow moving on Monday but on Tuesday morning at about 4:00am it started to pick up. When my 24 hour mark came for my water being broken our midwife, Molly, let me know that we would need to start thinking about pitosin. She gave me an additional 1/2 hour to move from having contractions every 5 min. to every 3 min. Serena and I started walking the halls and after about 20 minutes they were coming on faster and stronger. Luckily we didn't have to have any interventions. Things weren't too bad until I moved into transition which took such a long time and it was very painful. Near the end I was begging for an epidural but my wonderful team: Serena (doula), Molly (midwife), and Sid (nurse) all stalled me and before I knew it I was pushing. I planned to have an unmedicated birth experience and I received my wish. On Tuesday October 12, 2010 we welcomed Knox Anton Demiter into this world. He was born at 5:04pm after 32 1/2 hours of labor and no medication. He was such a beautiful baby and weighed in at 7 lb. 11 oz. with a length of 20.5 inches. We love you Knox!

Going to the Temple and we're gonna get married!

On Saturday 9/18/2010 Matt and I were sealed for all time and eternity at the Seattle, WA Temple. It was one of the most amazing moments that Matt and I will ever experience! We were so blessed to have Ryan, Renae, Janelle, Jeremy, Sharon, Jim, and all of the kids travel to be with us for this special occasion. Along with all of our loving family we also had many of our ward family members attend the sealing. With so many wonderful people supporting us we couldn't help but know how much we are cared for and loved!

Monday, October 25, 2010

A baby shower to celebrate Knox

I felt so blessed to be surrounded by loving friends and family on 09/17/10 at the baby shower. My great friend, Holly, hosted the shower at her home and the evening was filled with tons of smiles and laughter. Holly did an amazing job putting together the shower. We played pictionary with words that were related to pregnancy and babies and some of us laughed so hard that we cried. Holly also setup a great mad libs game along with the "how big are you" game and everyone used string to make their guess at my girth.
We had a yummy desert spread and Alycia baked a beautiful cake. The evening was perfect with great friends and lots of laughs!

Griffen gets a blessing

Matt couldn't be home for Griffen's first day of school, so when he came home the following week he was able to give Griffen a "beginning of the school year" blessing.
Griffen has never received a blessing before so he was really excited! The blessing was wonderful and afterwards when we asked Griffen what he thought he said "I feel really good".
This was a very special moment for Griffen and Matt and I know that both of them will be looking forward to this new tradition at the beginning of each school year.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1st Grade - The real deal!

For most kids 1st grade is serious business because there is a transition from 1/2 day to full day. However, for Griffen it was business as usual. Last year Griffen attended full day Kindergarten so making the move to 1st grade had no effect on him schedule wise.
I call 1st grade the "real deal" because one of the first things that Griffen noticed was there are no longer toys in his classroom. It's time to get down to business! Mrs. Laske is a fantastic teacher and very regimented which I think helps all children when they are in school because structure in the classroom is very important.
A new added event this year is homework! We have now built in 20 minutes to our afternoon schedule for homework time. I love opening Griffen's backpack and checking out what has been placed in the "take home" folder. Each day the children are given an easy reader along with any classwork they have completed. It is nice to go over these things with Griffen and confirm his understanding. During this time if there aren't enough assignments in his backpack to fill 20 minutes then we will work on reading other books or playing online learning games.
Griffen is an extremely bright kid and I look forward to the 1st round of progress reports this fall!

Soccer Season kickoff!

Griffen is now in his 3rd season of soccer and it has bee very exciting to watch the tremendous growth from when he started at age 3!
As I watch him play I notice that he has taken some of the skills he has learned to heart. He now dribbles the ball fairly well and has become much better at passing. As a whole this age group has moved on from the "beehive" strategy of playing soccer where everyone groups together and chases the ball around the field. Now they realize that they need to spread out and pass the ball if they want to score a goal.
The score is also something that Griffen and his teammates has recognized this year. The teams and the league don't keep score but the kids sure do! They are well aware when the opposing team has scored more goals than them. Griffen even made a comment that his team had lost. I tried really hard to cheer him on and let him know that right now we are just playing for fun and not to worry about who wins.
This is going to be a great season and I can't wait to see how Griffen progresses this year!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hey training wheels!

It was one of those proud moments as a mother that you look forward to - Griffen learned to ride his bike without training wheels! While Matt was home this past week we decided to take a walk at the Centennial trail with the dog. Before leaving Matt asked Griffen if he wanted to take off his training wheels. Originally Griffen said "no, I might fall". Matt explained that if he never tries then he will have them on forever. Griffen finally said "sure I guess I will try". He strapped on his helmet and knee pads for extra protection and we were off to the trail. Matt started off by walking behind Griffen with his hand on the seat and then moved to a hand on his back, then before Griffen knew it Matt was jogging next to him. There was only 1 fall on trail and he got right back on his bike to try again. The most wonderful sight to see was when Matt picked Griffen up, gave him the biggest bear hug, and told him how proud he was!
In less than 1 hour Griffen was riding by himself and even able to turn without falling over. The kickoff is taking some time but that part isn't so easy.
I was bursting with joy and wish someone could have captured how big the smile on my face was as I watched Griffen over come a fear and hit another milestone!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Pacific City, OR 2010

We packed up the car and headed south to the OR coast for an entire week of fun with the family. I plugged the address into the GPS and the 6 hour drive seemed like it would take forever but I knew that the drive time would be worth it. Little did I know....the drive would really take 8 hours! We left around 12:30pm and arrived at the beach house around 8:30pm.
There were many points during the drive when Griffen would ask how much longer we had and all I could do was sweetly reply an estimated amount of time. He kept busy with movies and the leapster, thank goodness we packed them.
We had a fun filled week at the beach with Grandma and Papa along with aunts, uncles, and cousins. The kids never seemed to be bored and were entertained for hours playing in the sand.
I learned that when someone says "beach" it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be 75+ degrees, sunny, and swimsuit worthy. It was sunny for the most part but the wind kept the temp down and we wore our sweatshirts quite often.
There was a huge sand dune that was quite the challenge for me. We all hiked up but I didn't know if I would ever reach the top. Thanks to the kids yelling "you can do it auntie Shannon" I was successful! The view from the top was beautiful. We could see all of Pacific City. Going down the sand dune was much easier than going up!
One of the mornings when the tide was out we made our way down the beach to the tide pools. The kids had so much fun discovering all of the different sea creatures. The hermit crabs seemed to peak everyones interest along with the multiple starfish that were found. I guess you're not supposed to take the starfish with you because there were a few people that approached the kids to tell them that they needed to put them back in the water.....we had already taken care of this.
Grandma was prepared with multiple games and projects for all of the grandkids to keep them entertained. The cousins play pretty well together although we had some issues with sharing. I was so proud of Griffen to set a good example by sharing his leapster with his cousins. Learning to share is a work in progress for everyone.
The vacation at the beach was a success with plenty of relaxing, food, book reading, naps, and socializing. Although I don't look forward to the drive again, I do look forward to spending many more vacations with the family.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

THE Demiter Garden

The garden is growing like crazy! This year we planted.....are you ready for this.....3 varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, artichokes, spring mix, green leaf lettuce, green beans, sweet peas, corn, squash, zucchini, pumpkins, green and yellow bell peppers, jalapenos, green onions, and walla walla sweet onions. Wow - that is a whole lot of stuff!

Matt has asked why we planted so much but I remind him that I plan to can salsa and spaghetti sauce along with grinding and freezing veggies for the new baby. He is pretty proud that I am tackling so many projects.

We planted late this year due to the cool weather so now that it is mid July only the lettuce is ready but we are hopeful that many of the other veggies will be following along shortly. There is plenty blooming so it shouldn't be too long.

The "girls" are also doing very well. Alfredo, BBQ, Teriyaki, and Dijon should start laying in about another month and then we will have wonderful fresh eggs! We have 2 brown egg layers and 2 speckled/Easter egg layers so it will be lots of fun to get eggs each day with Griffen.

Matt has stated that he would like to add a sheep or goat to our mini farm but I don't think that will be happening in the near future. :)